Friday, 12 April 2013


There is a fantastic cafe called Moose Coffee in Crosby (there's also one in Liverpool) and my favourite thing on their menu is their pancakes. But when I don't have anyone to go with I like to make my own at home. 

I picked up this recipe when I went to America last year with my family. It was my job to make up the pancakes when we were having a lazy morning in our villa. My boyfriend much prefers traditional English pancakes but I'm more of an American pancake fan as I prefer the sweet over savoury. Usually I just add even more sugar to serve, but I've become accustomed to dunking pancake into maple syrup. Unfortunately, the syrup I bought isn't a patch on the one that Moose Coffee uses so I'm still on the hunt for the perfect syrup. 

You can add plenty of different toppings to these pancakes, anything from bananas and ice cream to bacon. Absolutely anything to suit your mood. 
When I used to babysit some friends I would add food colouring and we'd have crazy coloured pancakes. Mix up two colours and swirl them together to make patterns. The opportunities are endless!

1 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoons salt
1 large egg
3/4 cup milk
1 tablespoons melted butter

Mix up all the ingredients in your bowl until it's a nice consistency. It shouldn't be too runny like English pancakes and in fact should be quite a thick batter but it still needs to have some run to it so it spreads a little in the pan.

Heat up a frying pan with some butter and wait for it to get to temperature. I can't quite master this step as usually my first pancake either burns or takes forever to cook! But hopefully you'll be better than me.

Laddle in a dollop of batter and when the top starts to bubble flip it over. Then leave it for about ten seconds and serve. 

This amount makes 6 pancakes (not including the first 'test' pancake)

NB. I realise that this is a 'cup' recipe, but I picked up a set of baking cups from Asda for £2 yesterday. They're only plastic but they do the trick. Alternatively, I've used a small glass cup in the past. I think the trick is to make sure you're consistent in the size of the 'cup' you use.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I love pancakes, so so much. Maple syrup, nutella and cream are my favourite toppings.
